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What's in a name?

I considered going with  Odder when Older,  which I'm told describes me well, but wasn't the perfect vibe for a shop. And  Baubles and Bibelots (the "WTF is a bibelot?" looks nixed that one).   And Curiouser Curiosities (hard to say three times fast).  A nd The Whatnot Mercantile (but whatnots are the unimportant extras and damn if I wasn't making important stuff). And, and, and... Merriam Webster to the rescue. A Curio is "something considered novel, rare, or bizarre." The secondary definition offers that it can be "an unusual or bizarre person." Bingo! I make things that are novel, rare, and occasionally bizarre! I'm unusual! I'm (occasionally) bizarre! Shhhh. Rarely. And I hide it well. But curios also had a slightly old lady connotation. Who else owns a curio cabinet, or even knows what one is? How do I infuse a bit of whimsy, a touch of panache? Curios and Milk It makes me smile, and think back on the many, many meals of C

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